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     interviewed by robby sumner  
Band Website
Label - Snapdragon Records
Listen - "Typecast Letters"
       Interview with Nic
       August 11th, 2004

Mat Peluso -
Vocals, Guitar
Tim Jordan - Guitar, Vocals
Andy Greenfield - Bass
Nic Peluso -
E: Nic, your band Welton is hardworking with some great music to show for it... how quickly have things been escalating for you guys lately?
Nic: Things have been going pretty well. We are talking to labels and discussing things. We are very happy with the way our band is forming and transforming.
E: What changes have you seen take place since the band started that might contribute to your current form?
Nic: Well, Mat's writing style has matured by leaps and bounds, and we all know a bit more about music. We have also grown as people. We have to spend so much time together that everyone has to get used to each other's little quirks. I think Welton has just transformed into something that we never thought it would be and we couldn't be happier.
E: How much focus have you all put on doing your own publicity?
Nic: Umm... we generally don't deal much with that. We have always promoted ourselves as much as we could, but mainly we just do stuff like interviews and as much touring as possible.
E: Has touring been a pretty successful experience so far?
Nic: Absolutely. We've toured with great bands and made a lot of friends. Especially Project 86, As Cities Burn, Dead Poetic, and Never Heard Of It--all good friends. We've also learned a ton about each other.
E: So would you say the band is considerably further along than it was a while back?
Nic: Oh, definitely. Our music is much more intricate, and we have toured a lot of the past year and a half. We have made a lot of friends and are having a great time.
E: Has it been difficult to keep up with the financial aspects of being in an active band?
Nic: Absolutely. If you're going to do this full time, you'd better love music more than anything. My fiancee is ready to kill me all the time. Tim's girl is just as frustrated. The band is finally starting to make money to pay for the van and merch, but no rent yet. We all have jobs when we are home.
E: Do your jobs allow for constant band-related engagements?
Nic: Oh, yeah. If we have a show opportunity, we find a way to get out of work. Nothing is more important than this band.
E: What is it about being in the band that makes it such a high priority?
Nic: I think it is the time and heart we have put into it. We have sacrificed almost everything possible. My girl and I have almost broken up numerous times. It's very important to all of us and our friends for Welton to prevail.
E: Has the band written a lot of material?
Nic: Oh, yes. We have about fifteen new songs that we haven't even done anything with yet. We are recording some new material this month for some labels. We have been keeping busy and writing anything and everything we can.
E: What's happened to the songs written in the earliest stages of your career?
Nic: Well, as a band progresses, they tend to not like their old songs anymore. We definitely have stopped playing our first record. It just wouldn't be right. Our new EP is coming out next month--it's a split with the Response from Wisconsin. It should be most everywhere. Definitely check Lumberjack. Sorry, shameless promotion. Anyway, we have just progressed so much that the old and new are night and day.
E: Is there anything different about a split CD that will be new to you?
Nic: Well, less songs. We have a limited space. I really think that it's a good chance for kids to hear two bands, one of which they may not know about. But it's about the same experience both ways for a split of a full-length. It shows our progression.
E: Do you plan on waiting for a label to release a full-length? Or will you just release as you write regardless of your situation?
Nic: Well, we pretty much are looking to have our next full length put out by a good, solid label that we can call home. We'll always record, but whether or not it will be released is in question.
E: But the band is pretty happy with what it's been writing?
Nic: Oh, yeah. We are really excited for everyone to hear what we are doing. It's a lot darker and more involved. We are writing for ourselves now instead of what we think a label wants to hear. We can't wait to tour with this material.
E: Well good luck with that. Thanks a lot.
Nic: Thank you very much. Make sure and check out that EP. Keep coming to the shows, we'll be back out soon.