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     interviewed by robby sumner  

Jason Bradley -
Ryan Mendez -
Guitar, Vocals
Nick Long -
Victor Breen -
Bass, Vocals
Gavin Miller -
Band Website
Label - Lobster Records
Listen - "Seasick While Standing Still"
       Interview with Ryan and Gavin
May 15th, 2004
E: Staring Back has been achieving more and more success on the music scene. How would you compare where you are now to where you were a year ago?
Ryan: Honestly, I would say that right now we are a bit more dormant... we haven't been playing shows because we don't have a singer, and we are just home writing new stuff right now. Last year we were touring non-stop, so I would think our name would be out there a bit more last year than it is right now... but hopefully that will change this summer, 'cause we are all doing Warped Tour.
E: What exactly are the band's plans for this summer?
Ryan: Warped Tour... record a video... that's about it. *Laughs* Warped Tour will take all summer.
E: And what are the singer arrangements for the tour?
Ryan: We have our good friend Greg Wood singing for us. He is an amazing singer/songwriter who used to be in a band called West Beverly. Since then, he has been a really, really developed his songwriting and his voice... and he is so awesome. We are really excited to have him singing for us this summer.
Gavin: Greg has been touring solo for the past year and a half or two years, and every time we have seen him perform--which has been multiple times--he has absolutely blown us away. He has also been a very good friend throughout the time we have known him. We have no doubts about his ability to surpass our expectations.
E: How much would you say a band's direction changes when a member leaves--in this case, the singer?
Ryan: I think it depends on how involved the singer is in the writing. I definitely think the singer living is a bigger deal than the guitarist leaving... but I'm not worried, because I do the majority of the music writing, and some of the melodies, so I think we will still be on track.
Gavin: Generally, Matt didn't contribute musical aspects of our writing as much as lyrically, and we definitely have the opportunity now to focus more on "songwriting" as a collective aspect, as opposed to just writing a melody over music that you are given.
E: How often do band members interact these days, both socially and musically?
Ryan: Socially, every day or every other day. Musically, not as often, since our songwriting process has slowed down a bit this time as compared to last time, because we are all working full-time now, and writing without a singer. Generally, one to three times a week for practices.
E: Would you say that Staring Back has a certain sound that it tends to adhere to in each of the songs you write?
Ryan: Not necessarily a sound that we try to capture... I think our style is recognizable--people who know us would definitely be able to recognize our sound, but that's just what comes out. We aren't necessarily trying to capture any particular sound. Seth from Over It once told me that "you guys definitely have your own sound, that's for sure."
Gavin: "On" has definitely been the best example of our progression in songwriting so far... although the new stuff is going to blow it away. We have been focusing much more on the songwriting process and structure and arrangements, as opposed to just throwing parts together.
E: When the band first started out, how long did it take to realize that the group was going to go places?
Ryan: Well, Gavin wasn't in the band in the beginning, but I don't think we honestly realized we could go places until we were really starting to get a really good picture of how the material for "On" was turning out as we were writing it. We knew it was going to be something special, and when we started getting the response to the record, we thought we had something.
E: Do you think that the traits needed to "make it" on the scene are the same for every band?
Ryan: Not necessarily, but I do think that the actual music of the band isn't nearly as important as it used to be, which is really sad. So many things that shouldn't matter, do, and it sucks, because there are so many awesome bands who will never get the recognition they deserve for lame reasons.
Gavin: For a small number of bands, "making it" is simply being able to live off doing what you love to do, and simply play music. Money is just a perk.
E: What were your goals and expectations when you first started playing music?
Ryan: Well, when I started out, it was to get signed to Fat Records, honestly. Derrick Plourde from Lagwagon was the original drummer, and I thought we had an instant in, and it would be really quick and awesome. It didn't work out exactly like that, though, because he left the band, and then we were just like any other band starting up. But as it went along, I started really wanting to make a career out of it. Not until "On" did I feel that, though.
Gavin: [My] main goals were to be successful in writing music that I both loved performing and listening to, and also to perform well. Also, to bring something new to kids who are interested in different music that's not what they are necessarily used to hearing.
E: What sort of response have you been getting from the fans that reaffirms the effect of your music?
Ryan: Amazing response. Some of the people who have posted on our message board say things that I can't even believe. People have posted stories about our music helping them through very hard times in their lives, helping their friends, helping them out of drug-induced depressions, helping them through life-threatening diseases.
Gavin: It's incredible to be thousands of miles away from home and be hanging out with a really good group of fans that are so stoked just to have us stay at their house and party with them. Also, knowing how big of an influence our music is in people's writing and playing styles is very rewarding.
E: How big of a Staring Back fan would you say you are yourselves?
Ryan: Honestly, I am a very big fan. That might sound lame, but I am. Only of "On" and beyond, though. Beyond being our new stuff--I still listen to "On" pretty regularly... I listen like someone who isn't in the band.
Gavin: I definitely love my record still, and [I'm] seeing the potential of our new material. I am very excited about the potential finished project.
E: In music, what are the things that the band holds dearest?
Ryan: Well, I personally really, really want to be able to appeal to musicians and non-musicians. I want to have music that is interesting to the normal every day person, but also the people in the bands I love. I want to surpass my own expectations of myself and my songwriting, and I want all of the band members to be 100% happy with everything we do.
E: Well, thanks a lot for doing the interview. Good luck over the summer.
Ryan: No problem, dude.