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     interviewed by robby sumner  

Shane Henderson -
Vocals, Guitar
Jon Santarlas -
Mark Ciccone -
Bass, Vocals
Kyle Miller -
Band Website
Listen - "Dead of Winter"
       Interview with Shane
April 26th, 2004
E: Shane, you sing and play guitar for the band Spring Victory. How did you end up getting with the other guys in the group?
Shane: I play in a band called Attracted To Miss, and the drummer for ATM--Sean--is good friends with a lot of kids from around our area (Newtown, PA). Basically, how it happened was that Mark used to play in this band called Steprocket with Kyle, our old drummer, and Jon. They were in the process of kicking their singer out--long story--and I was in the process of getting together with Mark to write some acoustic jams for fun... we both clicked, and Mark asked if I wanted to play guitar and sing in his band... and Spring Victory became a band.
E: What's it like, playing in multiple bands?
Shane: Well, it is definitely super fun! I put a lot of work into what I do and I love every second of it. Each one of my bands knows that I'm going to give the same effort for each band. I just love playing music, and that love drives me to write different styles of music, therefore fitting for different bands. Spring Victory is a complete rebirth for me, because we all have an extreme amount of ideas running through our heads and we just love to rock it out like nobody's business.
E: When you're given inspiration for a song, how do you decide where to go with it--which band it will be for?
Shane: Well, it depends on my mood. I don't write songs for any particular style--I just write them about how I am feeling, or if something is bothering me that I need to get off my chest, I will write a song about it. It also depends on what band is writing songs, and what band is promoting already written songs. Basically it's a timing situation... but music is definitely my therapy, in a corny way of stating it. *Laughs* I think all the members in Spring Victory write their parts with whatever kind of emotion they are feeling, and it just comes out raw and untouched, like on the CD.
E: Where and when are the majority of your songs written?
Shane: A majority of the songs are written at my house with me on an acoustic guitar, or at band practice... sometimes I'll come into practice with a complete song and we will work on it as a band, and sometimes I will come in with an idea, riff, or hook, and we will build on it as a band. I'd say most of the songs are written when I have some sort of inspiration, or when I feel the need to just write... sometimes I'll be just sitting there doing whatever I'm doing, and a lightbulb will go off. Then I'll grab my guitar, and if it comes out as something awesome I'll call Jon or Mark and get all excited, and play it for them over the phone. *Laughs*
E: What do you think makes Spring Victory click the way it does?
Shane: I think the fact that we are all really close friends, and [that] our heads are always spinning with ideas... we just come together for fun, and fun ends up producing some really kickass tunes. I think also that the first four songs we ever wrote were obviously inspired by the death of my friend Carly--that had a huge impact on us as a band, but in the end it only brough us closer as friends and as musicians.
E: What time of the year would you say is the most prosperous?
Shane: In the fall, winter, and spring... school is still in session, and it's a great place to promote. High schools are kickass to promote--write that down, kids! *Laughs* However, the summertime is awesome because we have all the time in the world to create new material and play shows and tour. Isn't life great? I just covered all of the seasons, and not one of them was considered a bad one. *Laughs*
E: How often does Spring Victory get to record?
Shane: Well, now that Mark has his own studio set up, I've been doing demo tracks every week. It's just acoustic, but Spring Victory records when we've built up enough killer songs to throw on an EP, or eventually a full-length.
E: When do you think the full-length will occur?
Shane: As soon as our new drummer gets comfortable with us as a band, and as soon as we feel ready to hit the studio. I'm sure we will be hitting up Skylight Studios in Fairless Hills, PA. I recommend that and [Producer] Vince Ratti [also of Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer] to any band that wants a good, quality place to record.
E: How would you say that being involved with a band in Pennsylvania compares to how a band would work on the West Coast?
Shane: Well, it is obvious that Pennsylvania is a tough place for a band to prosper. When you think in terms of the whole scene, it is obvious that California is tops for shows and bands and labels and all that good stuff. One thing people get confused about it, though, is when they say the PA scene sucks. That's so wrong--there are shows all the time around me. So what if there aren't 300 kids at every show... a show is a show to me. It's still a place where I can f*ckin' play music and be happy doing it, whether there are fifty kids or 300 kids.
E: What's the farthest that Spring Victory has ever gone to play a show?
Shane: Spring Victory has not had much of a chance to tour, due to Mark going to school all the way in Florida. We play Philly and the suburbs of Philly a lot... the farthest spot we played was at this place called Club Culture, which is in Orange County, New York. Not many people there, but it was still fun... the police came and wrote my name down with the names of this other band we played with. We were throwing rocks at this abandoned movie theater, and apparently it's illegal to be sitting outside, according to the three police officers in Orange County. Markie came to my rescue. He's a knight in shining armor!
E: Is music something you'll be doing in the future?
Shane: It's something that I'm wishing on. It will definitely be a hobby if not a profession. I know it's a far thing to get to, but I would eventually like this to take me somewhere where only my dreams have gone. Spring Victory is always working hard at achieving our goals, and we let our convictions lead us to where we want to go. I believe this is where the interviewer writes something about how cheesy that last comment was?
E: It can always get cheesier.
Shane: *Laughs*
E: Where exactly do you think that music can take you?
Shane: It can take me as far as I will let it take me. Basically I feel that Spring Victory has the drive and passion to go as far as we can take it. And trust me--we are going to push our limits and see just how far this small-town band can really go. There's no giving up. We are in this for the long haul.
E: Well, good luck with all of your endeavors. Be sure to check back with us, and we'll keep listening.
Shane: Thanks a lot... keep supporting! We love you guys.