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     interviewed by robby sumner  
Band Website
Label - Fearless Records
Listen - "Be There"
       Interview with Jeff and Chris
       August 5th, 2004

Jeff Tucker -
Vocals, Guitar
Sean Stopnik - Guitar
Shawn Dailey - Bass
Chris Poulson - Drums, Vocals
E: What was the inspiration behind forming the band Rock Kills Kid?
Jeff & Chris: The inspiration behind forming Rock Kills Kid was basically to create good music, and each day since the day we started we hope to get closer and closer to that goal.
E: How deeply should fans read into the meaning of the name?
Jeff & Chris: Fans shouldn�t read into the name at all--it�s just a name. Actually, if you really think about it, our name is more or less an oxymoron from what our music stands for. A friend came up with the name �Rock Music Kills Kids,� which we thought was kind of cool for a band name, but a little too long. So, we took the name and shortened it, and from then it just kinda stuck with us.
E: How would you describe the type of music that the band makes?
Jeff & Chris: We would describe us as a band that tries to take a different approach to music, without straying away from the listener�s ears.
E: Is this the kind of music you always imagined your band writing?
Jeff & Chris: No, not really. We�ve tried all kinds of different styles and what not. But, we�re just looking to make music we love, and [we] hope to reach our musical goals someday.
E: How rapidly does the band tend to compose new material?
Jeff & Chris: We usually compose about 2-3 songs a week.
E: Do you write your songs with the record in mind or the live show?
Jeff & Chris: We usually write songs with the record in mind, but we should also keep the live show in mind as well. Good question!
E: Is there any sort of habit you try to keep up consistently with each show you play?
Jeff & Chris: Most definitely. The main thing we strive to make a habit of is to always overcome our flaws.
E: What sort of connection does the band form with fans when it plays?
Jeff & Chris: Hopefully the fans understand where we are coming from, and understand we don�t do cartwheels on stage for show. We like to keep a very close yet moody feel when we play; we more or less let the music speak for itself.
E: Is the lyrical content of RKK�s songs similar to that of other bands in its genre?
Jeff: Although it�s very difficult to write unique and--so to speak--�different� lyrics, I just write what I feel and things I have experienced.
E: How easily do you think the fans can relate to the lyrics in your songs?
Chris: I believe fans can relate to certain lyrics when they�ve been through the same situations or feelings. It�s a lot easier for people to adapt to something they have a thing in common with. If they get the message we�re incorporating in our music, then in some way or another they can definitely relate.
E: How much time is usually spent writing the lyrics?
Jeff: It usually only takes a few minutes--any longer than that, the lyrics would stray away from the original feeling.
E: In what ways do the words you sing affect the way you sing them and vice versa?
Jeff: Words don�t really affect the way I sing. The mood of the music usually determines the style of singing.
E: What kinds of experiences have you had with the band that you think have had the greatest impact on your life?
Jeff & Chris: We�d have to say... traveling, and learning to live with almost nothing. Writing and playing music in general is what we love to do, and do it because we love it. When four guys come together and sacrifice their lives for the good of music... it�s without a doubt, something none of us would trade for anything in the world.
Jeff: It�s a beautiful thing.
E: Well thanks for the interview, as well as all the great music you guys make.