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     interviewed by robby sumner  
Band Website
Label - Tinted Amber Records
Listen - "We Ride In Separate Cars"
       Interview with John
       August 3rd, 2004

John Galm -
Vocals, Guitar
Dave Fell - Vocals, Guitar
Kevin Kish - Bass
Kevin Burke - Drums
E: John, your band Audio Recording Club has recently found itself signed to Tinted Amber Records... has the band had a lot of experience prior to this new development?
John: Not exactly. All together, we've been a band for about a year now, and we really haven't played anywhere that's more than thirty minutes away from where we live, so them signing us came as a huge shock to us all. We have, though, experienced most of the stuff normal bands go through, like recording, playing shows, making merch, getting new members, etc, so I think we are pretty much ready for whatever is next.
E: Any idea what is next?
John: Yeah. Sometime in the near future we are supposed to head to New York to record our first full length. Nothing is definite at the moment, though. Besides that, Kevin, Kevin, and I are going to be seniors this year, so touring can't really be done, but we plan on doing multiple weekend tours throughout the school year, and then a big summer tour.
E: Do you plan on doing the band coincidingly with college, or in lieu of?
John: I am undecided about that one as of right now. I want to see how things are going with us after the record is released to make that decision.
E: Is all the material for your next record already written?
John: No. We still have about three or four songs yet to write. The ideas are already there, but we still need to sit down and make the ideas songs.
E: Do you feel a little more pressure to get the songs written than you have in the past?
John: To be honest, not at all. In our local music scene, we kinda blew up really fast. By our third show people were going nuts and singing along to the songs we didn't even record yet, so when it came time to write new stuff, I was already feeling the pressure that it had to be as good as, if not better than, the previous work that these people were going nuts over. So far, I think we're doing a good job.
E: If fans listen to the material available from the band now, will that give them a good idea of what new releases will sound like?
John: Yes it will.
E: Have you been practicing together since the sign, or has it been the same schedule as always?
John: Basically the same schedule. We try and get together three or four times a week. The only real difference now is instead of playing through the set and maybe tossing around a couple ideas every practice, we now play a song or two and then take a couple hours to write a new one at least once a week.
E:  Do you think that playing shows is something you've been becoming more comfortable with?
John: Oh definitely. When we first started, I would have the worst stage fright. I would sing my parts with my eyes closed, and then turn my back to the crowd and basically not turn around until I had to sing again. that ended quickly though. once I saw that people were into it I eased up a lot.
E: How lucky has the band been with shows�booking, other bands on the set, etc.?
John: We've been pretty lucky, I guess. We have had shows with a few larger bands like Roses Are Red, Endicott, Age of Ruin, etc. In February we got to play in this really small club with Hidden in Plain View, and that show was just spectacular. Three hundred kids going nuts in a club that was probably one hundred and fifty over the fire limit. Great time.
E: What reassures you that playing music is what you were meant to do?
John: At this point in my life, I am not quite sure if playing music is what I am meant to do, but for right now, I know that playing with my band makes me happier than just about anything, and seeing the reaction of the people when we play really tells me that we are definitely doing something right. I mean, we played a show Friday at a venue that we play at at least once a month, and we still sold all of our merch somehow, and just about every person there was singing every word to our songs. It amazes me, man. I've always loved music, and since I can remember I've basically dreamed of playing it, and I hope my current love for it stays for years and years to come.
E: Great, well, thank you for a great interview.
John: Thank you, man.